Film Synopsis: After the death of her mother, Evie (Nathalie Emmanuel) takes a DNA test …and soon discovers a long-lost cousin she never knew she even had! Invited by her newfound family to a lavish wedding in the English countryside, she’s at first seduced by the Steamy, Sexy, & Incredibly Undeniable Aristocrat Host, Walter (Thomas Doherty) but is soon thrust into a nightmare of survival as she uncovers twisted secrets in her family’s history and the unsettling intentions behind their sinful generosity!
Trav’s Critique On “THE INVITATION” ➡️ I’ve got to admit that I never got tired of seeing the preview for the movie each and every single time it came on that big, huge silver screen when I went to see another movie! I was REALLY looking forward to this invitation – and accepting it was the best decision that I have ever made in 2022 thus far; well, as far as horror films goes. The Invitation was NOTHING like the 2019 film, Ready or Not. I’m NOT 100% sure if people, once they saw the trailer for the film a connection – or possible comparison that this film would be anything equivalent to that one. In my very raw and always candid opinion, THIS movie was NOT boring like Ready or Not, I never drifted off to sleep, I did jump only once, never jumped in Ready or Not, this film had suspense, the magic, the tone was set leading up to the climax of the film, which, yes of course, was pretty predictable from the trailer, I will admit that. Anyone can who has a brain. LOL.
But the only thing that was EXACTLY similar between this and Ready or Not was both brides had to fight in order to survive! THAT WAS IT! Other than that, I would ALWAYS choose The Invitation over that if given the choice; if there are any other options put up against this movie, I would have to see them to make a more definitive decision. Firstly, I have to expound on the acting of Thomas Doherty who portrayed the role of Walt. He was debonaire to the fullest extent, he could charm the pants off of anyone with that smile, and the accent was just a bonus!
If Doherty smiles and acts like that in real life – he needs to be in more motion picture films because I was like saying to myself, “am I under a spell?” I just don’t know what it was; how he did it; how he said it; how he got into character; or what it was but he was VERY and HIGHLY believable! Each time he had a scene with anyone, and not even Nathalie Emmanuel, he captured the screen, and I wanted invitation after invitation after invitation! That is what he did in this movie. Thomas Doherty CAPTURES HIS AUDIENCE IN THIS MOVIE! THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! IT IS LIKE IT CASTS A SPELL ON YOU! I want to see his work in other previous films or TV shows that he has done in the past because he is FIERCELY talented! I am telling you all! Major kudos to him!!!
The acting of Nathalie Emmanel is on point as well – it was strange for me to see her in something other than Fast and the Furious. LOL! The focal point aimed on her was her mother and how she kept close to her heart what her mother told her and that was that she is strong and that she is always with her. When Evie accepted the invitation from her family in England that she never knew existed, I felt that they did a dive on her, saw that she was weak, and an easy mark for what they had in mind for her. Evie was smart, intuitive, spoke her mind, but was also a very sympathetic person and kind at heart and that is what they preyed upon.
That is SO true in life today – when anyone and I do mean anyone sees ANY sign or form of weakness in a person – they are flying in to prey on that vulnerability, and they sense that they can feed on that to get what they want and sometimes need. In this case, Walt & Oliver had a plan – dead intent on executing it, but Evie had an ace in the hole and that was her best friend Grace who always kept it 100 with her.

Sure, Grace was direct and always told Evie what she NEEDED to hear and NOT what she wanted to hear. As a best friend, we NEED people like that in our lives who will NOT be afraid to tell us the truth, the harsh and ugly harsh truths and realities of situations when we have the blinders on and are too close to a situation where we cannot see it for ourselves. In Evie’s case, she had her own instincts which she trusted PLUS Grace, so she was A-OK. Accepting this invitation will NOT be a bad thing; but rejecting it will be – who gets sucked and bled dry is something that you will want to see because it is RED…HOT….SEXY…BLOOD-THIRSTY…DELIOUCNESS!!!!
I Wasn’t Very Excited But Now After Reading Your Review My Expectations Have Been Boosted To 95%
That’s just the power of my words – I speak the truth! It’s the motto on my website: “where the TRUTH is discovered.” If people want the truth – they will get it from me …untainted and raw! Always! I never hold back!
I’m so excited!! I wanna see! I just wanted to hear “it’s not like ready or not”. So I’m in lolol. Looks so good!
Yeah! I INVITE you to take a bite – you’ll enjoy sucking Walter!!
Might go next week!!! I really wanna see this!!!
I just got home from seeing it again for the second time! I “invited” my friend Zach and it was fun seeing him be scared knowing that I had already went through it & knew already when those scenes were coming up – but nah, it wasn’t scary as you’d think.
Ha! That’s awesome! I’d much rather have a great movie with some jumpy moments than a crap movie lol. I’m gonna have to wait till October to see it in theatre. Heading up north to see family, saving every penny esp with gas☹️😒
Wait a Russell Crowe GLADIATOR Super Sonic Second, Amy! October? Did you say – October …as in NEXT month, October? You think The Invitation will still be in theaters a month from now? Movies don’t stay in theaters 2-3 months anymore like they use to. Hell, I’ve seen – and I know that you have as well, seen that they have brought back past films such as Spider-Man and Morbius. Streaming services are becoming more & more popular than ever you know! I think you may have missed the invite to the theater…💔
The trailer wasn’t hitting on much when I saw it, but your review is giving another add dimension to it. May have to check it out, see the reasons why stuff happened. Nice review.
Of course! I always sway people with my words – and my words always happen to be the truth!